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Open File (open)

Laurence MorganAbout 3 minBuiltin CommandsFilesystem Operations

Open File (open)

Open a file with a preferred handler


open is a smart tool for reading files:

  1. It will read a file from disk or a HTTP(S) endpoints
  2. Detect the file type via file extension or HTTP header Content-Type
  3. It intelligently writes to stdout
  • If stdout is a TTY it will perform any transformations to render to the terminal (eg using inlining images)
  • If stdout is a pipe then it will write a byte stream with the relevant data-type
  1. If there are no open handlers then it will fallback to the systems default. eg open (on macOS, Linux), open-xdg (X11), etc.


open filename[.gz]|uri -> <stdout>


» open -> foreach issue { out "$issue[number]: $issue[title]" }


File Extensions

Supported file extensions are listed in config under the app and key names of shell, extensions.

Unsupported file extensions are defaulted to generic, *.

Files with a .gz extension are assumed to be gzipped and thus are are automatically expanded.

MIME Types

The Content-Type HTTP header is compared against a list of MIME types, which are stored in config under the app and key names of shell, mime-types.

There is a little bit of additional logic to determine the Murex data-type to use should the MIME type not appear in config, as seen in the following code:

package lang

import (


var rxMimePrefix = regexp.MustCompile(`^([-0-9a-zA-Z]+)/.*$`)

// MimeToMurex gets the murex data type for a corresponding MIME
func MimeToMurex(mimeType string) string {
	mime := strings.Split(mimeType, ";")[0]
	mime = strings.TrimSpace(mime)
	mime = strings.ToLower(mime)

	// Check suffix
	for suffix := range mimeSuffixes {
		if strings.HasSuffix(mimeType, suffix) {
			return mimeSuffixes[suffix]

	// Find a direct match
	dt := mimes[mime]
	if dt != "" {
		return dt

	// No matches found. Fall back to prefix
	prefix := rxMimePrefix.FindStringSubmatch(mime)
	if len(prefix) != 2 {
		return types.Generic

	switch prefix[1] {
	case "text", "i-world", "message":
		return types.String

	case "audio", "music", "video", "image", "model":
		return types.Binary

	case "application":
		return types.Generic

		// Mime type not recognized so lets just make it a generic
		return types.Generic

// MurexToMime returns the default MIME for a given Murex data type.
// The intended use case for this is for GET and POST requests where the body
// is STDIN.
func MurexToMime(dataType string) string {
	return defaultMimes[dataType]

HTTP User Agent

open's user agent is the same as get and post and is configurable via config under they app http

» config -> [http]
    "cookies": {
        "Data-Type": "json",
        "Default": {
            "": {
                "name": "value"
            "": {
                "name": "value"
        "Description": "Defined cookies to send, ordered by domain.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": {
            "": {
                "name": "value"
            "": {
                "name": "value"
    "default-https": {
        "Data-Type": "bool",
        "Default": false,
        "Description": "If true then when no protocol is specified (`http://` nor `https://`) then default to `https://`.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": false
    "headers": {
        "Data-Type": "json",
        "Default": {
            "": {
                "name": "value"
            "": {
                "name": "value"
        "Description": "Defined HTTP request headers to send, ordered by domain.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": {
            "": {
                "name": "value"
            "": {
                "name": "value"
    "insecure": {
        "Data-Type": "bool",
        "Default": false,
        "Description": "Ignore certificate errors.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": false
    "redirect": {
        "Data-Type": "bool",
        "Default": true,
        "Description": "Automatically follow redirects.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": true
    "timeout": {
        "Data-Type": "int",
        "Default": 10,
        "Description": "Timeout in seconds for `get` and `getfile`.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": 10
    "user-agent": {
        "Data-Type": "str",
        "Default": "murex/1.7.0000 BETA",
        "Description": "User agent string for `get` and `getfile`.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": "murex/1.7.0000 BETA"

Open Flags

If the open builtin falls back to using the systems default (like open-xdg) then the only thing that gets passed is the path being opened. If the path is stdin then a temporary file will be created. If you want to pass command line flags to open-xdg (for example), then you need to call that command directly. In the case of macOS and some Linux systems, that might look like:

exec open --flags filename


  • open

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/open/open_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan