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Laurence MorganAbout 3 minIntegrations


How to enable inline spellchecking


Murex supports inline spellchecking, where errors are underlined. For example

asciicastopen in new window

However to use this there needs to be a few satisfied prerequisites, not all of which will be enabled by default:

CLI Spellchecker (3rd Party Software)

A CLI spellchecker needs to be installed. The recommendation is aspell. This might already be installed by default with your OS or has been included as a dependency with another application. You can check if aspell is installed by running the following:

which aspell

If that returns no data, then you will need to install aspell yourself. Please consult your OS docs for how to install software.

For help debugging issues with aspell, please see the last section in this document.

Murex Config

ANSI Escape Sequences

ANSI escape sequences need to be enabled (which they are by default). This option is found in config under shell, color.

config: set shell color true

Spellcheck Enable

Spellcheck needs to be enabled. This option can be found in config under shell, spellcheck-enabled.

To enable this run:

config set shell spellcheck-enabled true

...or add the above line to your Murex profile, ~/.murex_profile to make the change persistent.

Please note that this option will automatically be enabled if aspell is installed.

Spellcheck Murex Code

This shouldn't need tweaking if you're running aspell but other spellcheckers will require updated code. The default will look something like this:

» config get shell spellcheck-func
{ -> aspell list }

The default should be good enough for most people but should you want to run an alternative spellchecker then follow the instructions in the next section:

How To Write Your Own spellcheck-func

You might legitimately want to run a different spellchecker and if so you'll need to write your own spellcheck-func. Fortunately this is simple:

The function reads the command line from stdin, if the spellchecker reads lines from parameters rather than stdin you'll need to write something equivalent to the following

    # This is a theoretical example. It will not work generically.
    -> set line
    newspellchecker --check "$line"

The output of the function must me an array containing the misspelt words only. That array can be JSON just as long as you have set stdout's data type to json. Similarly, other supported Murex data types can be used too. However in general you might just want to go with a misspelling per line as it's pretty POSIX friendly and thus most spellcheckers are likely to support it. eg

» out "a list of misspelt words: qwert fuubar madeupword" -> aspell list

User Dictionary

Murex has it's own user dictionary, which is held as a JSON array:

» config: get shell spellcheck-user-dictionary

You can add words to a user dictionary via:

» config eval shell spellcheck-user-dictionary { -> append "myword" }


» config eval shell spellcheck-user-dictionary { -> alter --merge / (["word1", "word2", "word3"]) }

Don't forget to record these in your Murex profile, ~/.murex_profile to make the changes persistent.

Ignored By Default

Sometimes commands are not valid words in ones native language. Thus any words that fall into the following categories are ignored by default:

  • words that are also the names of commands found in $PATH
  • words that are the names of Murex functions (defined via function)
  • words that are builtins (eg config and jsplit)
  • any global aliases
  • also any words that are also the names of global variables

Common Problems With aspell

Error: No word lists can be found for the language "en_NZ".

The en_NZ portion of the error will differ depending on your language.

If this error arises then it means aspell is installed but it doesn't have the dictionary for your language. This is an easy fix in most OSs. For example in Ubuntu:

apt install aspell-en

(you may need to change -en with your specific language code)

Please consult your operating systems documentation for how to install software and what the package names are for aspell and its corresponding dictionaries.

See Also

Other Integrations

This document was generated from gen/integrations/spellcheck_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan