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Define Type (cast)

Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute

Define Type (cast)

Alters the data-type of the previous function without altering its output


cast alters the data-type annotation for a pipe.

The contents of the pipeline are preserved, only the reported data-type is changed.

Additionally cast can be used to define the output type of a function.


Changing type annotation for a pipe

<stdin> -> cast data-type -> <stdout>

<stdin> :data-type: command

Defining the output type of a function

cast data-type


As a command

» out {"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}} \
  -> cast json
{"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}}

As a token

» out {"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}} \
  -> :json: cat
{"Array":[1,2,3],"Map":{"String": "Foobar","Number":123.456}}

Defining data-type

» function example {
    cast json
    out '{"foo": "bar"}'

» example -> debug -> [[ /Data-Type/Murex ]]

Please note you'd normally use the Object Builder to create JSON objects.


If you want to reformat the stdin into the new data type then use format instead.

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/typemgmt/types_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Laurence