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Transformation Tools (tabulate)

Laurence MorganAbout 1 min

Transformation Tools (tabulate)

Table transformation tools


tabluate is a swiss army knife for table transforming human readable tables into machine readable data structure.

Please note that this builtin is still in active development and the default behavior will continue to change and evolve. Any features marked with a flag (see below) will be stable, have numerous tests written against them, and thus safe to use.


<stdin> -> tabulate [ flags ] -> <stdout>


  • --column-wraps Boolean, used with --map or --key-value to merge trailing lines if the text wraps within the same column
  • --help Boolean, displays a list of flags
  • --joiner String, used with --map to concatenate any trailing records in a given field
  • --key-inc-hint Boolean, used with --map to split any space or equal delimited hints/examples (eg parsing flags)
  • --key-value Boolean, discard any records that don't appear key value pairs (auto-enabled when --map used)
  • --map Boolean, return JSON map instead of table
  • --separator 'String, custom regex pattern for spliting fields (default: (\t|\s[\s]+)+)'
  • --split-comma Boolean, split first field and duplicate the line if comma found in first field (eg parsing flags in help pages)
  • --split-space Boolean, split first field and duplicate the line if white space found in first field (eg parsing flags in help pages)


Dynamic Autocompletion

Because tabulate is designed to parse human readable tables, it is used a lot for dynamically turning command like program help output into JSON maps for autocomplete's DynamicDesc blocks:

rsync --help                                                  # print rsync help \
-> ['^Options$'..--help]re                                    # filter out just the flags from the help page \
-> tabulate --map --split-comma --column-wraps --key-inc-hint # convert to json

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/tabulate/tabulate_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan