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Display Command Type (type)

Laurence MorganAbout 1 min

Display Command Type (type)

Command type (function, builtin, alias, etc)


type returns information about the type of the command. This is a POSIX requirement and not to be confused with Murex data types.


type command -> <stdout>


TTY output

» type murex-docs
`murex-docs` is a shell function:

    # Wrapper around builtin to pipe to less

    config: set proc strict-arrays false
    fexec: builtin murex-docs @PARAMS | less

Piped output

» type murex-docs -> cat


There are a few different types of commands:


This will be represented in which and type by the term alias and, when stdout is a TTY, which will follow the alias to print what command the alias points to.


This is a Murex function (defined via function) and will be represented in which and type by the term function.


This is a private function (defined via private) and will be represented in which and type by the term private.


This is a shell builtin, like out and exit. It will be represented in which and type by the term builtin.

external executable

This is any other external command, such as systemctl and python. This will be represented in which by the path to the executable. When stdout is a TTY, which will also print the destination path of any symlinks too.

In type, it is represented by the term executable.

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/management/type_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan