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@Array Sigil

Laurence MorganAbout 1 minOperators And TokensSigils

@Array Sigil

Expand values as an array


The array token is used to tell Murex to expand the string as multiple parameters (an array) rather than as a single parameter string.


ASCII variable names

» $example = "foobar"
» out $example

Unicode variable names

Variable names can be non-ASCII however they have to be surrounded by parenthesis. eg

» $(比如) = "举手之劳就可以使办公室更加环保,比如,使用再生纸。"
» out $(比如)

Infixing inside text

Sometimes you need to denote the end of a variable and have text follow on:

» $partial_word = "orl"
» out "Hello w$(partial_word)d!"
Hello world!

Variables are tokens

Please note the new line (\n) character. This is not split using $:

» $example = "foo\nbar"

Output as a scalar ($):

» out $example

Output as an array (@):

» out @example
foo bar

Scalar and Array Sub-shells


» out ${ %[Mon..Fri] }


» out @{ %[Mon..Fri] }
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

out will take an array and output each element, space delimited. Exactly the same how echo would in Bash.

Variable as a Command

If a variable is used as a commend then Murex will just print the content of that variable.

» $example = "Hello World!"

» $example
Hello World!



Since arrays are expanded over multiple parameters, you cannot expand an array inside quoted strings like you can with a string variable:

» out "foo ${ ja [1..5] } bar"
foo ["1","2","3","4","5"] bar

» out "foo @{ ja [1..5] } bar"
foo  1 2 3 4 5  bar

» %(${ ja [1..5] })

» %(@{ ja: [1..5] })
@{ ja [1..5] } 

See Also

This document was generated from gen/parser/variables_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan