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~ Home Sigil

Laurence MorganAbout 1 minOperators And TokensSigils

~ Home Sigil

Home directory path variable


The tilde token is used as a convenience shortcut to users home directory.

By itself, ~ will point to the current users home directory.

If a username follows, eg ~joe.bloggs, then the home directory for that user is returned irrespective of who is presently logged in. Characters supported by tilde usernames are alpha upper and lower case, numeric, underscore, full stop (period), and hyphens.


Current user

Assuming current username is "bob":

» out ~

Alternative user

Assuming "joe" is a valid user on local system:

» out ~joe

Unhappy path

If username does not exist, ~ will default to the root path.

Assuming "foobar" isn't a valid local user:

» out ~foobar



Tilde can be expanded inside double quotes, brace quotes as well as used naked. But it cannot be expanded inside single quotes.

» out ~

» out '~'

» out "~"

» out %(~)

Error Handling

If a username is supplied that that user doesn't exist, the tilde will raise an error. For example:

» ~joe.bloggs
Error in `expr` (0,1): cannot expand variable `~joe.bloggs`: user: unknown user joe.bloggs

See Also

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Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan