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OLDPWD (path)

Laurence MorganLess than 1 minuteSpecial VariablesDefined by POSIX

OLDPWD (path)

Return the home directory for the current session user


OLDPWD return the previous directory.

This variable exists to support POSIX, however the idiomatic way to access this same data is via $PWDHIST.

This is a reserved variable so it cannot be changed.


Comparison With PWDHIST

PWDHIST is an array that holds the entire PWD history rather than just the previously accessed path.

OLDPWD reads PWDHIST, so if PWDHIST is overwritten, this will affect the value of OLDPWD as well.

Error Handling

If a previous directory cannot be determined, then OLDPWD will error. For example:

» cd $OLDPWD
Error in `cd` (0,1): cannot assign value to $OLDPWD: already at oldest entry in $PWDHIST
                   > Expression: cd $OLDPWD
                   >           :          ^
                   > Character : 9

See Also

This document was generated from gen/variables/OLDPWD_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan