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Laurence MorganAbout 1 minData-Type Reference


Structured object for working with file and directory paths


The path type Turns file and directory paths into structured objects.

The root directory (typically /) is counted as a directory. If a path is relative rather than absolute then / will be excluded from outputted string.


First two elements in a path

» $PWD[..2]

Check if path exists

» set path foobar="/dev/foobar"
» $foobar.2.Exists

path data structure

» set path foobar="/dev/foobar"
» $foobar -> format json
        "Exists": true,
        "IsDir": true,
        "IsRelative": false,
        "Value": "/"
        "Exists": true,
        "IsDir": true,
        "IsRelative": false,
        "Value": "dev"
        "Exists": false,
        "IsDir": false,
        "IsRelative": false,
        "Value": "foobar"

Supported Hooks

  • Marshal() Supported
  • ReadArray() Each element is a directory branch. Root, /, is treated as it's own element
  • ReadArrayWithType() Same as ReadArray()
  • ReadIndex() Returns a directory branch or filename if last element is a file
  • ReadMap() Not currently supported
  • ReadNotIndex() Supported
  • Unmarshal() Supported
  • WriteArray() Each element is a directory branch

See Also

  • MUREX_EXE: Absolute path to running shell
  • PWD: Current working directory
  • PWDHIST: History of each change to the sessions working directory
  • paths: Structured array for working with $PATH style data

Read more about type hooks

This document was generated from builtins/types/paths/path_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Olivier Refalo