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Laurence MorganAbout 1 min


CSV files (and other character delimited tables)


This data type can be used for not only CSV files but also TSV (tab separated) or any other exotic characters used as a delimiter.


The CSV parser is configurable via config (see link below for docs on how to use config)

» config -> [csv]      
    "comment": {
        "Data-Type": "str",
        "Default": "#",
        "Description": "The prefix token for comments in a CSV table.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": "#"
    "separator": {
        "Data-Type": "str",
        "Default": ",",
        "Description": "The delimiter for records in a CSV file.",
        "Dynamic": false,
        "Global": false,
        "Value": ","

Default Associations

  • Extension: csv
  • MIME: application/csv
  • MIME: application/x-csv
  • MIME: text/csv
  • MIME: text/x-csv

Supported Hooks

  • Marshal() Supported
  • ReadArray() Treats each new line as a new array element
  • ReadArrayWithType() Treats each new line as a new array element, each element is mini csv file
  • ReadIndex() Indexes treated as table coordinates
  • ReadMap() Works against tables such as the output from ps -fe
  • ReadNotIndex() Indexes treated as table coordinates
  • Unmarshal() Supported
  • WriteArray() Writes a new line per array element

See Also

Read more about type hooks

This document was generated from builtins/types/csv/csv_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan