lang.MarshalData() (system API)
About 2 minAPI Reference
(system API)
Converts structured memory into a Murex data-type (eg for stdio)
b, err := lang.MarshalData(p, dataType, data)
func exampleCommand(p *lang.Process) error {
data := map[string]string {
"foo": "hello foo",
"bar": "hello bar",
dataType := "json"
b, err := lang.MarshalData(p, dataType, data)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := p.Stdout.Write(b)
return err
Go source file:
package lang
import (
// type DeMetaT func(any) error
type MarshallerT func(*Process, any) ([]byte, error)
var (
//_demetaers = make(map[string]DeMetaT)
// _marshallers defines the Go functions for converting a Go interface into a murex data type
_marshallers = make(map[string]MarshallerT)
/*func RegisterDeMetaer(dataType string, demetaer DeMetaT) {
if _demetaers[dataType] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("premarshaller already exists for %s", dataType))
_demetaers[dataType] = demetaer
func DeMetaData(dataType string, data any) error {
if _demetaers[dataType] == nil {
return nil // we shouldn't assume there is a demetaer
return _demetaers[dataType](data)
func RegisterMarshaller(dataType string, marshaller MarshallerT) {
if _marshallers[dataType] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("marshaller already exists for %s", dataType))
_marshallers[dataType] = marshaller
// MarshalData is a global marshaller which should be called from within murex
// builtin commands (etc).
// See docs/apis/ for more details
func MarshalData(p *Process, dataType string, data any) ([]byte, error) {
// This is one of the very few maps in Murex which isn't hidden behind a sync
// lock of one description or other. The rational is that even mutexes can
// add a noticeable overhead on the performance of tight loops and I expect
// this function to be called _a lot_ while also only needing to be written
// to via code residing in within builtin types init() function (ie while
// murex is effectively single threaded). So there shouldn't be any data-
// races -- PROVIDING developers strictly follow the pattern of only writing
// to this map within init() func's.
if _marshallers[dataType] == nil {
return nil, errors.New("I don't know how to marshal `" + dataType + "`.")
b, err := _marshallers[dataType](p, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("[" + dataType + " marshaller] " + err.Error())
return b, nil
: Process's runtime state. Typically expressed as the variablep
: Murex data typeinterface{}
: data you wish to marshal
See Also
- apis/
(type): Converts structured memory into a structured file format (eg for stdio) - apis/
(type): Converts a structured file format into structured memory - apis/
(system API): Converts a Murex data-type into structured memory
This document was generated from lang/define_marshal_doc.yaml.