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Get Data Type (get-type)

Laurence MorganLess than 1 minute

Get Data Type (get-type)

Returns the data-type of a variable or pipe


get-type returns the Murex data-type of a variable or pipe without reading the data from it.


get-type \$variable -> <stdout>

get-type stdin -> <stdout>

get-type pipe -> <stdout>


Get data-type of a variable

» set json example={[1,2,3]}
» get-type \$example

Please note that you will need to escape the dollar sign. If you don't the value of the variable will be passed to get-type rather than the name.

Get data-type of a functions stdin

» function example { get-type stdin }
» tout json {[1,2,3]} -> example

Get data-type of a Murex named pipe

» pipe example
» tout <example> json {[1,2,3]}
» get-type example
» !pipe example

See Also

This document was generated from builtins/core/typemgmt/gettype_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan,Laurence Morgan,Olivier Refalo