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ARGV (json)

Laurence MorganAbout 1 minvariables

ARGV (json)

Array of the command name and parameters within a given scope


ARGV returns an array of the command name and parameters within a given scope. eg function, private, autocomplete or shell script.

Unlike $PARAMS, $ARGV includes the function name.

This is a reserved variable so it cannot be changed.


» function example { $ARGV }
» example abc 1 2 3


Deprecation of ARGS

In Murex versions 4.x and below, this variable was named ARGS (with an 'S'). However in Murex 5.x and above it was renamed to ARGV (with a 'V') to unify the name with other languages.

ARGS will remain available for compatibility reasons but is considered deprecated and may be removed from future releases.

Other Reserved Variables

See Also

This document was generated from gen/variables/ARGV_doc.yamlopen in new window.

Last update:
Contributors: Laurence Morgan